Gathering on May 5, 2019
Photos Submitted by: Renee Steinpreis
We had three new drone pilots join us today at Cortez Pavilion. What a fun time.
Dick Christie had a new Mavic Pro Platinum to show off, new member Zack bought a Phantom 4 Pro in excellent condition from I think EBay, and Tim, new member had an Avitar Drone to explore and I think he learned a lot about operating and flying his drone.
We reviewed FAA rules and guidelines for flying. We have several pilots in our group now and several with the Commercial Drone License. Curt, we missed you as we did have some questions that could have fallen to your expertise.
Anyway, a couple pictures below and the video from the Asteroid shot by Renee with her little Mavic Air. Take a look at the 10 second video, attached at the bottom.
Also, for the new, or a reminder for others, we are a Special Interest Group (SIG) for the computer club, web address, and we have a link there to our website, HSVDronePilots where there is a lot of info from the FAA, photos, and general info on many “drone” topics. Also remember to check out YouTube videos on “how to” do anything relating to your particular drone or whatever. It has a ton of info available!! Fly safely, follow the rules and see you next time!